Category: Meditation Benefits

  • Meditation For Depression Rivals Medication, Study Finds

    Meditation For Depression Rivals Medication, Study Finds

    Earlier this year Alice G. Walton, contributor at, wrote a great article detailing how meditation has the same grade of effect on depression as antidepressant medication. Alice tells the story of a team of researchers, led by Johns Hopkins’ Madhav Goyal, MD, MPH, and how they went through thousands of earlier studies in the…

  • Top 5 Health Benefits Of Meditation

    Top 5 Health Benefits Of Meditation

    Did you know that meditation does not only have positive effects on your mind, but that it can also be extremely beneficial to your body? Practiced regularly, meditation can improve people’s lives tremendously without the side effects that normal medicines can cause. Obviously, it takes a bit of effort on your part to make this…