Laugh Your Way To A Good Meditation

With her big laughter, Carla Reichman has been compared to the laughing Buddha.

In a recent article, Kristine Crane at U.S. News reports on how laughter is being used to help with meditation.

When Carla Riechman laughs, you hear it.

With her big laughter, the former District of Columbia school teacher has been compared to the laughing Buddha, and it’s a comparison she welcomes. She helps people laugh, which in turn helps them meditate.

“Laughter brings one to silence,” says Riechman, 63, who calls herself the professional “giggle lady.” She established the “laughter revolution,” a laughter meditation program based in the District of Columbia that provides people with hourlong sessions in which they laugh and then meditate. She hosts laughter sessions at people’s homes and local wellness centers, as well as online at

Riechman gives few instructions during those sessions: She starts with a short “smile meditation,” in which participants close their eyes, smile and get into a relaxed, positive state. Then she starts laughing, and everyone else follows. People laugh for five to 10 minutes at a time because laughing is actually considered a mild workout. Much like exercising, laughter stretches muscles, sends oxygen to tissues and releases hormones.

“They laugh at different levels,” Riechman says. “Some people are very self-conscious. They can only give what they can give. But if you are giving your 100 percent, you are allowing your mind to completely relax. Your mind stops thinking, and you begin to feel the depth within you.”

It is great to hear how laughter can be beneficial to not only our general health, but also relax our mind and allow for deeper meditation sessions.

Read more about how Carla Riechman, and several others, have incorporated laughter into their meditation or yoga practice.

Do you make sure you laugh enough, especially before meditating? Comment below…

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