Meditation Quote 68: “I have lived with many Zen masters, all of them cats.” – Eckhart Tolle

Funny cats, cute cats, jumping cats, scary cats, wet cats… Who doesn’t love cats? Since they’re all so lovable and popular, is there something we can learn from them?

Oh yes…!

If you’ve ever been around a cat you probably know how wise they can seem with their stoic calm, nonchalant manner, and watchful eyes.

And then it’s that inner peace they seem to have. Always able to sit down and rest… or just — stare!

We could all do with some more catlike wisdom in our lives, and I am sure that if you asked a cat how we could be more like them…

…the cat would answer something like this:

“Wise like me you will become, if you only you stop thinking and start meditating!”
– Cat

Take that step today, do like the cat says, and start meditating more. I know you can do it!

“I have lived with many Zen masters, all of them cats.”
– Eckhart Tolle

Do you love cats… Or not really a cat person? Comment below!

"I have lived with many Zen masters, all of them cats." - Eckhart Tolle


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