Have you been on the fence about meditation for a while, and never had the patience to just sit down and give it a try? You are not alone.
One of the most common misconceptions I hear about meditation is that it is not for everyone.
“I tried meditation once, and it’s not for me” – “Only certain people have what it takes to meditate” – “I am too busy to meditate”.
I understand where these statements are coming from, as meditating might seem like a very difficult and scary thing at first. After all, how often do we give ourselves a break from our thoughts and allow our mind to be empty?
But no need to despair! The good news is that everyone can meditate. Yes, EVERYONE.
As with any new skill you want to develop, you need first to:
- Learn the basics
- Practice
- Practice some more
- Practice even more
- Repeat step 2 to 4
This diagram springs to mind, about band practice (but also applies to meditation):
You get the idea?
Now, I am not saying you should start by devoting every waking hour to meditation. The most important thing to understand is this: it get’s easier with practice!
With that said, here are 4 ways you can get started with meditation right now:
- Guided Meditation. This one is how most people start meditating, and for good reasons. It’s very little effort, it enables you to get started with no knowledge or training, and if you listen to a recorded guided meditation on your headphones you also block out all external noise and distraction. See our guided meditation section for several free resources to choose from.
- Breathing Exercise. A beginners classic! You have your breath with you wherever you go and you’re always just a second away from closing your eyes, breathing in, and paying attention to your breath. Here is a full breath meditation exercise for you to try.
- Meditation Music. Sometimes all you need to wind down and relax into a peaceful place is some calming music. Put on some meditation music, sit yourself comfortably in your favorite spot, and simply focus on observing the music as it calms you. Have a look at our meditation music selection.
- Walking Meditation. Walking, in and of itself, can offer a great opportunity for you to focus on and thereby calming your mind. Walk at a slow pace and simply pay attention to your body. Read more about walking meditation here.
There you go! All you need to get started with meditation already today. Choose one of the above, and give it a go.
And let us know how it goes, by submitting a comment below. Good luck!
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