Meditation Helps Relieve Migraines
Ever tried to give birth through your forehead? Unless you’re an ancient Greek god, I surely hope not. But that’s one of the explanations of how a migraine can feel like, compiled by The Huffington Post in their article “This Is What A Migraine Feels Like”. As you can see in the article, migraines are different…
Mindfulness: More Than A Stress Ball, And Not Religion
Have you ever heard about mindfulness? I bet you have. Repeatedly, and from all sorts of sources. Unless you’ve lived under a stone (or you’re not into meditation, psychology or self-help), you might have noticed that mindfulness has become fashionable, and that everyone from firemen to executives and school kids are practicing it these days. This…
Thich Nhat Hanh, Oprah, And Prison Meditation
What does Thich Nhat Hanh, Oprah Winfrey and a prison have in common? They were all part of an episode of the Oprah Winfrey series called “Super Soul Sunday”. In this amazing episode we get to see an interview Oprah did with Thich Nhat Hanh (a Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk, teacher, author, poet and peace activist),…
Deepak Chopra, Wall Street, And Meditation
Wall Streeters meditaters, CNBC reports! CNBC’s Squawk Box just did a news segment yesterday, talking with Deepak Chopra about meditation. Deepak gets up at 4AM, then meditates for 2 hours, followed by a meditation class. Talk about discipline! He talks about meditations importance in tackling “the epidemic of stress”, “getting in touch with your spiritual self”,…
Mindfulness Helps Nurses Cope
Nursing is stressful! If you’ve ever been at a hospital you might have noticed how busy the nurses can be, and how adapt they need to be at multitasking. Which might explain why this profession is so prone to sickness, both mentally and physically. David Templeton from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports: Caring for patients can…
Calmness Or Stress = Your Choice
After 3 hours work, the dessert you were making ended up a disaster. What do you do? Faced with this situation, Estalyn Walcoff did the right thing. She didn’t give in to the stress of the situation, and freak out. Instead she threw the failure in the trash, drove to the store, and bought all the…
Mindfulness In The Workplace
Don’t you just feel blooming with inner peace at your workplace? Probably not (and if you do, please let me know where you work!)… While that would be great, the truth is that most of us struggle with the opposite: a stress filled workday. And then there is the mobile lifestyle with constant notifications and demands for our attention. No…
Mindfulness Expert Explains How To Live In The Moment
You can not fail at mindfulness! Don’t agree? I’ll tell you why I said that in just a moment. But first let me share a great interview with you. A couple of days ago, Brigid Shulte (Washington Post) published an interview she did with one of our favorite meditation and mindfulness teachers, Sharon Salzberg. It’s a wonderful…
Bob Roth Interviews Russell Brand
Who would have thought that former drug addict and famous actor Russell Brand is meditating? Certainly caught me by surprise the first time I heard about it. I think he’s the perfect candidate to talk about meditation and how it’s helped him, not only because he is in a great position to do so, but also because…
The Effects Of Meditation And Mindfulness
What is the best kind of infographic? A meditation and mindfulness infographic, of course! And that is just what the people over at Information is Beautiful have put together. I love how this infographic show us all kinds of scientific evidence, compiled from a total of 75+ studies, and groups them into 4 categories: cognitive, physical,…