Your dreams are still calling… waiting for you to answer.
What are you doing?
No, not right now at work, in front of your computer, or what project you’re putting your energy into, or what you’re having for lunch.
I’m asking — what are you doing with your life?
Sure, there are responsibilities, bills to pay, and people relying on us. But at the end of the day…at the end of our lives…what will we have to show for it?
Are you currently doing what you really want with your life? Your time? Your energy, your attention, your heart?
Somewhere amidst the daily rituals that make up our lives, we must stop and ask ourselves — I have this ONE life, what in the world am I doing with it? And, what do I want to do with it?
Are you working and striving towards something that you are passionate about?
That you love to do? That makes your heart sing? That is your reason for being?
Something that is worth getting up every single morning for and declaring to the world, “YES! I am living the life I want! I am living the life of my dreams! I LOVE MY LIFE!”
What about —
- that book you always wanted to write?
- all the places you wanted to visit?
- that business you wanted to start?
- that special someone you’ve been meaning to ask out?
- those extra pounds you’ve been waiting to lose?
- that world-changing idea that you want to get out?
So many dreams… yet so many distractions. It sometimes takes bold action to cut through the noise.
If you’ve been feeling more and more like you’re stuck at a job you don’t like, or trapped in a relationship you don’t want, or you’ve settled into a body that isn’t vibrant and healthy…then it’s time to HOLD ON!
Is THIS what you dreamt of as a child?
If you’ve ever felt this way, and you’ve been feeling this way for a while, consider this your wake up call.
Today, take the first step toward your dreams. The first step is to STOP, and look around.
Is what you’re doing leading you to become more of who you would like to be? Are you inspired? Happy? Having fun?
Whatever your dreams are, what are you waiting for? Take the first step and see what happens.
Stress Release Tip
Want to change the world? Quit your job? Build an empire? Write a book? Have kids? Whatever your great endeavor, it’s a huge mountain to climb if you try to get it all done in one day. Luckily, like Rome, your dream doesn’t have to be built in one day. For just today, take a step back, take a few deep breaths, and know that just by acknowledging what you want is a huge first step towards your goal. You don’t have to build an empire by tonight. But you can start by laying the first brick of faith.
Mindful Moment
Today, take a moment away from it all to journal about your dreams. Take this time to reflect on where your life is at and where you’d like it to be by this time next year. Any forgotten dreams that you’d like to rekindle? Any dreams you’ve let go of because it was too hard? Write it all down and see what calls to you. Make a decision that you will no longer ignore your heart’s calling. Whatever step you need to take, take the ONE step towards your dream today!
Quote From Dana
“Don’t wait. The time will never be just right.”
– Napolean Hill
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