There is only perfection. Let your basic goodness guide you.
I was recently uplifted by words from my teacher, Reggie Ray, whose meditation lineage I’ve studied and practiced for the past several years.
In one of his recorded talks, Reggie discusses how there are no mistakes on our path. There is only perfection.
This is a bold statement, and one that caused me to feel elated, almost relieved. Light and joyful!
Instead of worrying about how we could’ve–would’ve–should’ve done that thing differently, what if every one of your steps (and missteps) could be seen through the lens of perfection?
Choices seen as bad in retrospect are given new meaning.
“What did you learn from the experience?” is a much better question than, “What do you wish you had done differently?”
In this same light, we can see a basic goodness that undergirds all things.
We are always moving forward, even when we fall (forward, I might add!). Think of your most trying times in the context of basic goodness.
What greatness arose from when you stumbled the most uncontrollably? Yes, there is greatness in you.
It is the same basic goodness that causes a planted seed to grow. The same basic goodness that brings the warmth of each sunrise.
We are an aspect of this basic goodness, and this basic goodness informs all that we say, think and do.
When we trust in the basic goodness of our experience, we can stop resisting the present moment. We can relax the fight.
This trust gives way to peace in the midst of storms, and provides fertile ground for seeds of joy to sprout daily, rain and shine.
Flowers even on the rainy days! Awesome!
Stress Release Tip
Are you getting enough sleep each night? A body lacking sleep is less resilient to daily stressors than one that is well-rested. Add this fact to the caffeine and sugar that we eat when we’re feeling low, and you’re left amped up and ready to crash. With more sleep, we are better able to listen to the body’s needs, and less apt to unconsciously consume foods because of emotional triggers. More sleep = less stress! Try to get to bed just 30 minutes earlier tonight, and see what happens.
Mindful Homework
This week, I invite you to take a different way to and from work. Leave yourself more time for the commute also, so you can drive more slowly than normal. When you eliminate the need or tendency to rush around in your car, what is left in place of the rushed-out feeling? Just notice. Then look around and see if you can heighten your sensation of any of the sights around you. What details can you see that maybe you’ve rushed past for years?
Quote From Adam
“You have an inclination: In the flash of one second, you feel what needs to be done. It is not a product of your education; it is not scientific or logical; you simply pick up on the message. And then you just act: You just do it. That basic quality of suddenly opening up is the best part of human instinct.”
– Chogyam Trunpa
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