Join Us For 10 Day Meditation Challenge

10 Day Meditation Challenge!

Been on the fence for a bit?

Or perhaps you’ve been meditating in the past, but never really stuck with it?

You have it on your list of “things-you-should-do”, but still haven’t taken action.

I personally know how hard it can be to get started with meditation. It’s scary to be alone with the thoughts in your head, I know!

That’s why we put together this meditation challenge for you.

10 Day Meditation Challenge

Anyone can join, at any time. All you have to do to attend is:

  1. Sign up
  2. Get your Meditation Challenge CD
  3. Wait for the CD to arrive, or jump-start by listening to the digital files
  4. Listen to the 5 tracks, and meditate for 10 days with the techniques provided
  5. Send us an email when you have completed the 10 days, and receive a surprise!

That’s it!

Meditation Challenge CD

The Meditation Challenge comes in the form of a physical CD that you can play at home or in your car. And if you don’t really like CDs, but prefer the digital version – we got that covered for you as well (for free)!

Join us on a 10 day meditation challenge, by grabbing our free meditation challenge CD.

All you have to do is pay a small shipping & handling fee, and we’ll send you the free CD.

I hope you’ll join us for the 10 Day Meditation Challenge, and looking forward to hear how you like the CD.


Q: How is it free when I have to pay for shipping and handling?

While we’d love to be able to send the CD to your door for free, the truth is that shipping and handling costs money. If we were to cover this cost ourselves we would quickly go broke. We only charge these low rates for shipping and handling: US $9.95, CAN $12.95, Intl $16.95 (USD).

Q: How long will it take until I receive the CD?

Allow 5-15 days, depending on your country. You will however receive the digital files immediately.

Q: Do I have to join your newsletter to get the CD?

The sign-up process requires you to sign up with an email address, so that we have a way to send you your digital files, confirmation, and information. After you’ve received that, you are free to unsubscribe at any time. Just use the “unsubscribe” link in the email you receive from us. If you want to receive our newsletter, you don’t have to do anything (just stay subscribed).

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