Do you know you should meditate more, but haven’t got the discipline, willpower, dedication or big enough commitment to do it? Let me comfort you with this fact…
…you are NOT alone!
And the beauty is that each and every moment brings with it the opportunity for you to start again.
With the danger of sounding like a cliche, or like a preacher…
…I challenge you to make this moment the moment you start again, and take meditation seriously.
Now (yes now), turn off all distractions (including the device you are reading this on), sit down on a chair (or the floor), close your eyes, and pay attention to your breath.
Get distracted? No problem! Just return your focus to your breath.
And if you need more guidance you can read more about how to meditate here at Daily Meditate.
“This moment is an invitation to start again… Begin where you are.”
– Jeff Foster
Are you ready to start again.. is it hard? What is holding you back? Comment below!
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