Meditation Quote 69: “You don’t have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body.” – C.S. Lewis

Not everyone believes or identifies with the idea of a soul. Luckily, in meditation we can experiment and explore for ourselves.

How, you say?

Let’s have a go…

1) Sit down in a comfortable position, back straight (bot not overly straight), and body relaxed

2) Take a deep breath, and pay attention to how your breath feels

Now what was it that was paying attention to your breath? Your soul, inner self, or your consciousness?

Your bodily mind, you say?

Then let’s try this…

1) Sit down in a comfortable position, back straight (bot not overly straight), and body relaxed

2) Take a deep breath, followed by a good out-breath, and repeat. When a thought arises in the mind, observe it

Now what was it that was paying attention to thoughts? Your mind, or something else?

No matter what your answer is, it is up to you to decide. That’s one of the wonderful things about meditation – it let’s us journey into ourselves, and explore on our own terms.

“You don’t have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body.”
– C.S. Lewis

Do you agree that we have a soul? Please comment, and tell us what you think!

"You don't have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body." - C.S. Lewis

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