Ever wondered how to be more mindful throughout the day, always doing your best to be present in the moment and just let go?
You just need to remember to be mindful!
Simple, eh?
That’s what I LOVE about this quote from Sharon Salzberg.
But it ain’t all that easy to remember to be mindful all the time, right?
Let’s look at how we can make it easier for ourselves.
This simple (but profound) truth invites us to welcome mindfulness into our lives, if we only commit to making it a habit.
And therein lies the key.
Much like you only get good teeth by developing a habit of brushing your teeth daily, you can get more mindful but developing a habit of meditating daily.
Meditation, coupled with actually reminding yourself throughout the day – does wonders.
You can remind yourself by:
- Set a reminder to “be mindful” on your phone or computer, once every active hour of the day.
- Write a note with the words “be mindful” and stick it to something you touch often, like your wallet, your phone, your coffee cup, your pen, your journal, etc. To avoid ignoring the note after you’ve gotten used to it, you should make a new note every day or two.
- Put a rubber band around your wrist, and pull it every time you feel stressed (it doesn’t have to hurt too bad). This should act as a reminder to be mindful, and at the same time makes you aware that your stressed and should stress down for a bit.
It doesn’t have to be a complicated reminder – just make sure you commit to reminding yourself with a method that works for you.
“Mindfulness isn’t difficult, we just need to remember to do it.”
– Sharon Salzberg
Do you have any other reminder suggestions? I’d love to hear them (just make a comment below)…
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