Meditation Quote 83: “I’ve got nothing to do today but smile.” – Paul Simon

Close your eyes and think of a day or time in your life when all you had on your schedule was to have fun. Do it!

Closed your eyes yet…?

Perhaps this was as a child in the summer, playing with your best friends on a regular weekend, as a teen living life, or on a well deserved vacation away from all the demands of your regular life.

Or perhaps it was yesterday (in which case: “Good for you!”).

Why were you able to, and willing to, simply plan for fun?

And what can you learn from that today?

For me it was the easiest to plan for fun and enjoy the day fully, when I was on summer vacation as a young student.

No responsibilities, no studies to do, no parents to answer to (most of the time), and friends ready to join in on the fun.

Free of distractions that stood in the way of me having fun, and filled with a unwavering certainty that fun and happiness was out there for me to claim and own.

Fast forward to my current life as a father, boyfriend, blogger and business owner…

…and things have changed.

My life is not as free of distractions anymore. In fact, distractions seem to be my middle name all too often.

But I haven’t lost the unwavering certainty that I am the sole creator of my own joy and happiness. It just takes more effort to achieve it.

And it all starts with my morning meditation. The silent time where I devote myself to my own inner silence and the cultivation of my own happiness and peace.

It all starts with me choosing to make some room for meditation in the morning – instead of jumping head first into the busy life of a western man, unprepared.

Thereby the act of smiling more, both internally and externally, becomes much easier throughout the day.

And the best thing?–

— the world smiles back!

“I’ve got nothing to do today but smile.”
– Paul Simon

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"I've got nothing to do today but smile." - Paul Simon

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