Meditation Quote 10: “So what is a good meditator? A good meditator meditates.” – Allan Lokos
Meditation has been a part of mankind since “way back when”. As a result countless traditions and teachings have emerged, and much wisdom has been shared. But what matters the most? Thousands of years of meditation theory and teachings makes for a wonderful amount of knowledge for us to consume. On the other hand, it also…
Meditation Quote 9: “The Way to do is to be.” – Lao Tzu
Few people have been able to match Lao Tzu’s poetic philosophy, and he personifies beautifully the stereotypical idea of an old wise man. This quote makes me think of Yoda from Star Wars, and is a true marvel in it’s simplicity and wisdom. “To be” is also an action, and is according to this wise…
Meditation Quote 8: “Life is available only in the present moment.” – Thich Nhat Hanh
It is easy to get trapped in the past, of lost worrying about the future. It is only by being present in the moment that we can truly live. Choose life and growth by allowing yourself to focus on the present – not the past of the future. This quote by Thich Nhat Hanh (a Vietnamese Zen…
Meditation Quote 7: “People think meditation is a huge undertaking. Don’t think of it like that.” – Deepak Chopra
Remember when you learned how to use a bicycle? Perhaps not, but I bet you don’t think of it as a huge undertaking now. As with most things, practice makes perfect, and the more you practice the easier it gets. This quote gives us a hint that meditation does not have to be hard, and…
Meditation Quote 6: “Meditation is not a means to an end. It is both the means and the end.” – Jiddu Krishnamurti
Meditation can be a great journey, help you accomplish personal goals, and be beautiful by itself. This quote is very deep and mystical. Why not sit down and meditate on it? “Meditation is not a means to an end. It is both the means and the end.” – Jiddu Krishnamurti Liked the quote? Leave a…
Meditation Quote 5: “The affairs of the world will go on forever. Do not delay the practice of meditation.” – Milarepa
Every day makes for the opportunity to both focus on the outer and the inner world. When it comes to the practice of meditation though, it’s all about allowing the world to unfold and the practice of meditation to pursue. Much like the sea, the subconcious mind is mostly uncharted territory and hard to grasp. Meditation allows us to go…
Your Breath Is Awesome
Breathing is at the core of our being, and is so important that we cannot live without it. And it’s amazing how crucial it can be as a part of our meditation routine. But what do we know about this all-important activity? To help you learn more about your breath, we gathered 6 Fun Facts…
Top 4 Best Meditation Timers
Meditation is timeless and can be done without any tools, fancy equipment or fashionable setting. One tool which can be very handy to always bring with you though, is a timer. There are literally thousands of gadgets, devices and things you can use as a timer. Everything from a kitchen timer and an underwater watch,…
Allow Yourself Some Relaxation
An important part of meditation is to start off with a relaxation technique. You can relax just by sitting in nature, take a soothing bath, or listen to relaxing music. My preferred way though, is the golden globe. Let me share with you this wonderful little relaxation technique. The Golden Globe This is a visualization technique…
Meditation Quote 4: “Total relaxation is the secret to enjoying sitting meditation. I sit with my spine upright, but not rigid; and I relax all the muscles in my body.” – Thich Nhat Hanh
Meditation can be easier without distractions – bodily, external or mental. Mastering a position is one way to improve on your meditation. A great way to start is by drawing inspiration from the quote below. Not only is it easy to understand, but also instructional and actionable. Do you have any experiences of your own…