Bob Roth Interviews Russell Brand
Who would have thought that former drug addict and famous actor Russell Brand is meditating? Certainly caught me by surprise the first time I heard about it. I think he’s the perfect candidate to talk about meditation and how it’s helped him, not only because he is in a great position to do so, but also because…
Throat Singing Meditation Music
Ever since the first time I hear Mongolian throat singing, I’ve been captivated. How is it possible that someone can sing two notes at once, and in such a deep, mysterious and primal sounding way? Perhaps I should take this as a sign to try and learn it myself… What do you think? No matter your…
Meditation Quote 98: “The whole of meditation practice can be essentialized into these 3 crucial points: Bring your mind home. Release. And relax!” – Sogyal Rinpoche
Bring your mind home. Release. And relax! Isn’t that just beautiful? Lengthy instructions, complex courses and days (or weeks, months, years..) of practice – summed up in such simple words. The human mind has a tendency to overcomplicate things. To make false assumptions, overprepare, and worry. But the truth is that most of the things we overcomplicate, turn…
A Friendly Guided Mindfulness Meditation
Every tried a friendly meditation? No? Let Alison Prideaux from Omindfulness.com guide you along, and try for yourself. At the start of this video, Alison gives a great talk about what mindfulness is, and how we should approach it. Here is an excerpt from her short talk: With mindfulness we see things as they are, before…
Interview With Peter Ragnar
I recently had the great pleasure of interviewing author and expert, Peter Ragnar, about meditation. I am super excited that we got to interview Peter, an author of 30 books on topics such as meditation, motivation, qi gong, longevity, super strength and natural health. As if that wasn’t enough, there has been written 7 books about him,…
The Effects Of Meditation And Mindfulness
What is the best kind of infographic? A meditation and mindfulness infographic, of course! And that is just what the people over at Information is Beautiful have put together. I love how this infographic show us all kinds of scientific evidence, compiled from a total of 75+ studies, and groups them into 4 categories: cognitive, physical,…
Chanting Music For Relaxation
Relax your brain for a few minutes! A study has shown that chanting can reduce activity in the limbic system (associated with stress, emotion, learning, motivation, and more), effectively relaxing the brain. And as if that wasn’t enough, other studies have found similar results from playing and listening to music. This is great to remember if…
Start Your Practice Today!
It seems like mindfulness and meditation is everywhere these days! Anderson Cooper did a “60 Minutes” special; TIME magazine featured a cover story on the topic; and study after study offers more research exploring the powerful benefits of sitting still and breathing, for ten minutes, each day. We’ve read about it, talked to people who…
Everything You Need To Know About Meditation
Meditation does not work for me, I am telling you! Ever heard such a comment from someone? Or perhaps you’ve been guilty of saying it yourself… It’s one of the many meditation myths that we have been debunking at Daily Meditate, repeatedly. But it’s worth repeating until it’s not a myth anymore. The video below…
Meditation Quote 97: “Work is not always required. There is such a thing as sacred idleness.” – George MacDonald
What’s wrong about idleness? In most cases, nothing! Of course you can argue that there are many cases in which idleness solves nothing like: just staring at your computer screen at work while you should be handing in that report sitting in the couch for hours while your dog barks for food postponing house maintenance to the…