Don’t you just love rain?
Sometimes it’s great to run around in a summer rain, just enjoying how it cools you down after a long hot day.
But I have to admit, most of the time it’s even better being inside when it rains. Listening to the rain as it pours outside, bouncing off the roof, trees, buildings, pavement.. or whatever other surface you have outside your home.
Some people find the sound of rain perfect to relax to, or even listen to as they go to sleep. Snuggling up inside and getting comfy, grateful for a place to be warm and dry and way from the wet weather.
I find it good for meditation as well. Just put it on in the background, and listen to the repetitive sounds of nature.
To help you enjoy the rain, we’ve compiled 3 videos filled with hours of rain. Enjoy!
Here is 10 hours of regular rain sounds:
And here is rain mixed with some thunder, also for 10 hours:
And here is rain on a tent, for a total of 8 hours:
What do you think… does rain and meditation go well together? Comment below!
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