Realizing Connection

I heard someone say this week that they were feeling a bit disconnected from the world. Feeling like they had no one to go to, just drifting along, up in the air, and this was causing her to feel bad about things. Lost.

Sometimes we feel this way. Sometimes we get lonely. And this is fine.

No biggie.

Loneliness passes quickly when we keep the greater truth in mind: We are always connected to the world around us.

In fact, if there’s nothing else we are, it’s that we are connected.

Take a look around you. Right now.

Notice how every single moment of every single day is touched by literally thousands of people

The clothes you wear, the food you eat, the car you drive, the products you use – they’ve been made available to you as a result of the efforts of thousands, maybe millions!

And when we contemplate that these people could not contribute their gifts without the generations that came before them, the sheer magnitude of the web of interconnectivity is awe-inspiring, and instantly brings feelings of gratitude. Thank you!

The work that you do, each day, contributes to this beautiful tapestry of life. We get to be a part of it all, by default!

We are never alone. Even on those days of disconnection.

Quick Meditation Tip

Through the practice of meditation, we take time to drop everything, even our thoughts, and surrender to this web of life. Without the thoughts that disconnect, we can see ourselves in everything. Every sound, every scent, every sensation reflects the present moment. The gateway is the breath.

Quote From Adam

“We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow humans; and among those fibers, as sympathetic threads, our actions run as causes, and they come back to us as effects.”
– Herman Melville

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