The Pebble Meditation Technique
Ever held a pebble in your hand? I bet you have, at least as a child. A child examines everything it comes across. Feel, taste, touch, play! So with that in mind, what better way to introduce children (and everyone else) to meditation than with the help of a pebble.. ..or 4 pebbles! That is exactly what Thich Nhat…
Meditation Quote 101: “Mindful and creative, a child [..] simply lives, speaks and plays in freedom.” – Arnaud Desjardins
Play! ..you still sitting here reading this? Ok, feel free to read the whole post, but please promise me one thing? After you’ve read this: Play! Why? Ask a child, and I’m sure they’ll tell you that playing is the best way to enjoy the moment. With adulthood often comes a magnitude of responsibilities, seriousness,…
9 Tips For Child Meditation And Quiet Time
Do you remember lying in the grass as a child, watching the clouds move by and not having a care in the world? Only as adults, we often find ourselves longing back to those times where we could really be in the moment, not thinking about anything else but being in the here and now.…