Freedom In Love
Happy Week of Love! I’d like to share a story that my mom once told me. Some time ago, I was going through a really rough patch as a single mom, working long hours, getting sick from the pressures at work. My boss wanted me to cover up for him and if I didn’t, he threatened…
5 Ways To Make Meditation Easy
If I say “new year”, what do you think of? Happy, fireworks, great food, party, champagne… Or perhaps resolutions! While the beginning of a new year can be used to rethink old ways to create better, healthier habits, it can also be daunting and stressful. Especially if in the past, you’ve had a habit of starting…
For Those Who Think They Can’t Slow Down
Life too busy, and you feel really ready to sloooow down and enjoy some time off? Here are 4 sure-fire ways you too can slooooow down: 1. Say NO Take a look at your schedule this month. Is it crammed with a lot of activities? Shopping? Work parties? Errands? Nights out with friends? Overtime? Cut out…
A Sure Way To Let The Sunshine In
Anyone need a hug today? A couple of months ago, I got really sick. With the change in weather and the kids taking turns with a cold, I finally succumbed to it. I hadn’t been that sick in a long time. I was so sick my ex had to take the kids for a few…
The Courage To Say What’s On Your Heart
Is there something that you’ve been hiding in your heart, bursting to come out but you’ve kept quiet about? A couple of months ago, I had a family reunion. As I watched the young ones play in the backyard, I was reminded how fast life passes by. Not too long ago, it was my siblings…
Don’t Let Them Tell You Differently
Have you ever let others have a say in how happy you are? Sometimes we care too much about what They say or do. My daughter came home with some tough math homework this week She was so frustrated that she couldn’t figure it out. She thought that there was something wrong with her — that…
Lift Your Mood With This Simple Trick
Does it ever feel like everything is going your way? Like, even if you could plan things a certain way, you could never, ever in a million years, imagine a plan as perfect as the one unfolding before you? On days like these, it’s easy to give thanks. As I’m writing this, I’m in Houston,…
When Your Dreams Call, Answer The Phone!
Your dreams are still calling… waiting for you to answer. What are you doing? No, not right now at work, in front of your computer, or what project you’re putting your energy into, or what you’re having for lunch. I’m asking — what are you doing with your life? Sure, there are responsibilities, bills to…
5 Steps To A Much Needed Break
Regular breaks are a great way to stay positive and uplifted throughout the day… you’re not working through your breaks, are you? Does this sound like you: You normally work through your break periods. You eat your meals at your desk or miss lunch entirely. You head into work early and you leave too late.…
No Time For Lovin’? That’s No Fun!
Sometimes it feels like there’s no time for intimacy – no time for love! Make some time this week to get sexy… you won’t regret it, and your body will thank you (check out the stats below!). Looking at the survey we (at ZenLife Services) sent out a couple months ago, many are struggling with too…