Tag: meditation

  • Birds Singing Morning Meditation

    Birds Singing Morning Meditation

    What would you rather wake up to… Rush traffic noise, or beautiful bird song? People’s creativity and dedication to bringing us all sorts of great meditation music and nature sounds on YouTube continues to amaze me. Just yesterday I discovered that there are thousands (!!) of bird song videos on YouTube. Granted, most of them are not recorded…

  • Lift Your Mood With This Simple Trick

    Lift Your Mood With This Simple Trick

    Does it ever feel like everything is going your way? Like, even if you could plan things a certain way, you could never, ever in a million years, imagine a plan as perfect as the one unfolding before you? On days like these, it’s easy to give thanks. As I’m writing this, I’m in Houston,…

  • Mindfulness Featured On 60 Minutes

    Mindfulness Featured On 60 Minutes

    60 Minutes recently did a 5 minute segment on mindfulness. Wanna see it? You’ll be able to see it, and read the full transcript, down below. But first, let’s take a moment to cherish the fact that mindfulness and meditation has become so mainstream that the 60 minutes correspondent, Anderson Cooper, admits that doing this…

  • When Your Dreams Call, Answer The Phone!

    When Your Dreams Call, Answer The Phone!

    Your dreams are still calling… waiting for you to answer. What are you doing? No, not right now at work, in front of your computer, or what project you’re putting your energy into, or what you’re having for lunch. I’m asking — what are you doing with your life? Sure, there are responsibilities, bills to…

  • School Kids Transformed By The Power Of Meditation

    School Kids Transformed By The Power Of Meditation

    Do you remember school being a quite place for inner peace? Me neither. But that is changing, at least for these school kids in San Fransisco. 8 years ago, in the heart of one of the city’s poorest and most violent neighborhoods, the school was spiraling out of control. Desperate, the district tried a pioneering…

  • 5 Steps To A Much Needed Break

    5 Steps To A Much Needed Break

    Regular breaks are a great way to stay positive and uplifted throughout the day… you’re not working through your breaks, are you? Does this sound like you: You normally work through your break periods. You eat your meals at your desk or miss lunch entirely. You head into work early and you leave too late.…

  • Taco Breath Is Good For Arthritis And Stomach

    Taco Breath Is Good For Arthritis And Stomach

    Have you ever heard about the “Taco Breath”? Neither had I, until I yesterday saw it featured in a blog post on Huffington Post. Here is the full blog post (minus the video): Most meditation practices encourage us to find our center by connecting with our breath, but one technique recently highlighted on HuffPost Live takes that mindful…

  • No Time For Lovin’? That’s No Fun!

    No Time For Lovin’? That’s No Fun!

    Sometimes it feels like there’s no time for intimacy – no time for love! Make some time this week to get sexy… you won’t regret it, and your body will thank you (check out the stats below!). Looking at the survey we (at ZenLife Services) sent out a couple months ago, many are struggling with too…

  • Louise Hay’s Guided Morning Meditation

    Louise Hay’s Guided Morning Meditation

    How do you start your day? Do you start it groggy, slow, and grumpy – or do you gratefully welcome the new day with a big smile? If could do with more of the latter (which I guess all of us could), I highly recommend this guided meditation from author and legend Louise Hay. Her voice is soft and…

  • Are You Making It Worse?

    Are You Making It Worse?

    Do you know what stresses you out? Know anyone that stresses over the slightest thing? It could be a co-worker or a neighbor or even a dear friend — they allow, in your opinion, the simplest inconvenience like a paper jam, a spilled drink, or even a slow lane at the checkout line to annoy…