Meditation Helps Relieve Migraines
Ever tried to give birth through your forehead? Unless you’re an ancient Greek god, I surely hope not. But that’s one of the explanations of how a migraine can feel like, compiled by The Huffington Post in their article “This Is What A Migraine Feels Like”. As you can see in the article, migraines are different…
Short Talk On Mindfulness
What is mindfulness? This video gives you the answer, and is made by Joelle from the Kernel of Wisdom Mindfulness YouTube Channel. I especially love how she has her own favorite mindfulness definition (and it’s not the most commonly used one from Jon Kabat-Zinn): “Mindfulness is about taking an authentic look at what’s really going on,…
Mindfulness: More Than A Stress Ball, And Not Religion
Have you ever heard about mindfulness? I bet you have. Repeatedly, and from all sorts of sources. Unless you’ve lived under a stone (or you’re not into meditation, psychology or self-help), you might have noticed that mindfulness has become fashionable, and that everyone from firemen to executives and school kids are practicing it these days. This…
Thich Nhat Hanh, Oprah, And Prison Meditation
What does Thich Nhat Hanh, Oprah Winfrey and a prison have in common? They were all part of an episode of the Oprah Winfrey series called “Super Soul Sunday”. In this amazing episode we get to see an interview Oprah did with Thich Nhat Hanh (a Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk, teacher, author, poet and peace activist),…
Chocolate Guided Mindfulness Meditation
Grab your favorite chocolate, because this is gonna be choc-tastic! Here is a new guided meditation by “The Honest Guys” on YouTube. And this one is rather fantastic! Do you like chocolate? I sure do, and I almost fell out of my chair when this guided meditation popped up in my YouTube stream. What better…
The Pebble Meditation Technique
Ever held a pebble in your hand? I bet you have, at least as a child. A child examines everything it comes across. Feel, taste, touch, play! So with that in mind, what better way to introduce children (and everyone else) to meditation than with the help of a pebble.. ..or 4 pebbles! That is exactly what Thich Nhat…
5 Ways To Do More With Less Effort
Ever feel like when you get to the end of the day, you’ve worked really hard but don’t have much to show for it? To prevent these moments, we can choose to work smarter, instead of harder. The energy of springtime (even for us in the land of eternal summer) is ripe for planting new…
Flow And Meditation
Ever felt completely absorbed by what you were doing? I am sure we all have had such an experience of being “in the flow”. What a great place to be. In fact, a man named Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi has made a career out of studying and researching this phenomenon. You can learn more about his work,…
The Bell Of Mindfulness
The sweet sound of ding! Doorbell? No, not ding-dong doorbell, but the ding from a mindfulness bell. Before we talk about the mindfulness bell, let’s remind ourselves of what mindfulness is: “mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way; on purpose, in the present moment, and non judgmentally.” – Jon Kabat-Zinn Mindfulness is about allowing…
Mindfulness Talk By Thich Nhat Hanh
Ever wanted to learn mindfulness directly from and old and wise monk? You can! And you don’t even have to move an inch to do so. Here is a mindfulness talk that was held in 2011 by Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk, teacher, author, poet and peace activist, Thich Nhat Hanh. Following is the YouTube description of…