Don’t Be A Pushover
Do you have a tendency to just go with the flow? You’re out with your friends or on a date or at a family gathering, and you’re overly pleasing – it doesn’t matter what the plan is, you just allow others to pick and choose what to do, where to go. That’s very nice of…
4 Steps To Happiness
Let your happiness expand the coming days. Plan on it, and then take steps to arrive there. For some, happiness feels elusive. Just out of reach. A tomorrow that never arrives. To others, happiness is a regular occurrence. It’s their natural disposition. You might find yourself somewhere between this spectrum — happy sometimes, or not,…
What Does Your Inner Critic Say?
Do you hear how you speak to yourself? It’s not always nice, is it? I remember when I first started speaking publicly. The voice in my head kept reminding me that I had no business sharing my experience – “who wants to hear this stuff anyway?”. Then, when I did get up to speak and…
The Easiest Way To Relax This Holiday Season
Less than 4 weeks ’til Santa’s sled takes to the sky. If only surviving the season was as easy as sitting back and waiting for delivery. Black Friday! Cyber Monday! Riots at the Walmart! Deals all over the web! And we haven’t even gotten to the mass family gatherings. To create special memories during the…
Keep Your Feet In The Now
Have you noticed yourself lost in your thoughts today? Come back, and let your tension go. In Thich Nhat Hanh’s classic book, “The Miracle of Mindfulness,” the author speaks of the mind being like a pond. On the surface of the pond, there can be many ripples, waves and choppiness. But below the surface, there…
4 Ways To Start Meditating Today!
Have you been on the fence about meditation for a while, and never had the patience to just sit down and give it a try? You are not alone. One of the most common misconceptions I hear about meditation is that it is not for everyone. “I tried meditation once, and it’s not for me”…
Can’t Do It Alone? You Don’t Have To
Break free from the daily grind with a little help from your friends. Think about the last time you were really stressed. Feeling anxious and scattered, rushed and confused, the battle becomes a solo mission. We just keep our head down and “nose to the grindstone,” and hope that the worst is almost over. We…
The #1 Way To Melt Your Stress
Take a moment (or 15) to be still today. Allow for relaxation, and you will feel it. I’m sure you’ve heard that “you can’t solve a problem using the same thinking that created it.” With chronic stress, it’s no different. You can’t decrease your stress level by continuing to rush around, or take on more,…
Do You Dread Mondays?
Your case of “the Mondays” may hold some nugget of knowledge, a gem of wisdom. At my old job, I used to hate going back to work after a few days off. I’d get up Monday mornings and trudge along, reluctant and recalcitrant. This went on for years. While at work, I was difficult to…
5 Ways To Make This Your Best Week Ever
The best ever is never far off. In fact, it’s much closer than you think. While on a hike in Griffith Park this past weekend, I had a long conversation with a friend. As she spoke, I heard a lot waiting. I heard that she’ll be happy when this or that happens. If only her…