Keep Your Feet In The Now
Have you noticed yourself lost in your thoughts today? Come back, and let your tension go. In Thich Nhat Hanh’s classic book, “The Miracle of Mindfulness,” the author speaks of the mind being like a pond. On the surface of the pond, there can be many ripples, waves and choppiness. But below the surface, there…
Catch Yourself In The Present
One day as I was making my way home in LA traffic, I noticed something. I noticed that I was wishing things were different. I was hoping for the lights to turn green upon my approach, encouraging the drivers in front of me to pick up the pace a bit, even reminiscing about the other day…
Let’s Meditate With Eckhart Tolle
Today I want to invite you to join in on a talk about meditation with Eckhart Tolle – in the form of video from the 2014 Wisdom 2.0 conference. Eckhart Tolle teaches us about meditating on the present moment, and how the present moment is an amazing thing (Eckhart makes a disclaimer himself that it is of course…
Living Simply Through The Present
Meditation offers the opportunity to see what it feels like to do just one thing at a time. Every day, our meditation session is like a beacon, a guiding light for the rest of our waking life. Through it, we might see just how distracted we are as we eat dinner: Bite,”how much more is…