Meditation Quote 104: “Body on your seat, mind in your body, mind in relaxation.” – Patrul Rinpoche
Is your mind all over the place? Mine surely can be, especially in stressful situations. Under stress we are often prone to get a case of “the monkey brain”. Thoughts attacking us from all directions, for no apparent reason. The paradox is that in these very situations, we are in the most need of the calming…
Meditation Quote 103: “Because of your smile, you make life more beautiful.” – Thich Nhat Hanh
Do you smile enough? I sure don’t, but I try and remind myself to smile more often. Not only is it a positive thing to do, but when we smile a full sincere smile (a Duchenne smile) science has shown that it releases endorphins in our body. Endorphins are responsible for making us feel happy,…
Meditation Quote 102: “The mind in its natural state can be compared to the sky…” – Kalu Rinpoche
Don’t you just love a clear blue sky? I sure do! But what I like even better is a clear calm mind. Have you ever experienced that? I am sure you have, but perhaps not as often as you’d want. Meditation helps us clear our mind, and reduce our attachment to our thoughts and distractions.…
Meditation Quote 101: “Mindful and creative, a child [..] simply lives, speaks and plays in freedom.” – Arnaud Desjardins
Play! ..you still sitting here reading this? Ok, feel free to read the whole post, but please promise me one thing? After you’ve read this: Play! Why? Ask a child, and I’m sure they’ll tell you that playing is the best way to enjoy the moment. With adulthood often comes a magnitude of responsibilities, seriousness,…
Hurray, Meditation Quote 100!
Hurray! We’ve reached 100 quotes. I’d say that calls for a celebration.. and a gift! And what better way to celebrate than to share one of my all time favorite meditation quotes with you (I’ll get to the gift in just a minute): “Start with meditation, and things will go on growing in you — silence,…
Meditation Quote 99: “Sleep is the best meditation.” – Dalai Lama
zZZ zZZ zZZ! I love sleep! Especially as a father of two small girls – which makes every full night of sleep feel like a tremendous blessing. Which is why I was super happy when I discovered this blog post, which covers 5 reasons why you should take a nap every day: 5 Reasons Why…
Meditation Quote 98: “The whole of meditation practice can be essentialized into these 3 crucial points: Bring your mind home. Release. And relax!” – Sogyal Rinpoche
Bring your mind home. Release. And relax! Isn’t that just beautiful? Lengthy instructions, complex courses and days (or weeks, months, years..) of practice – summed up in such simple words. The human mind has a tendency to overcomplicate things. To make false assumptions, overprepare, and worry. But the truth is that most of the things we overcomplicate, turn…
Meditation Quote 97: “Work is not always required. There is such a thing as sacred idleness.” – George MacDonald
What’s wrong about idleness? In most cases, nothing! Of course you can argue that there are many cases in which idleness solves nothing like: just staring at your computer screen at work while you should be handing in that report sitting in the couch for hours while your dog barks for food postponing house maintenance to the…
Meditation Quote 96: “Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.” – Albert Einstein
Are you guilty of regret or worry? Of course you are, you’re only human! Regretting the past and worrying about the future comes as natural to us as thinking too much or spending too much time on the couch. But like most things in life, it is only good in moderation. If we take something to the…
Meditation Quote 95: “Meditation can reintroduce you to the part that’s been missing.” – Russell Simmons
Find yourself constantly chasing something better around the corner? Like the idea that you “can only be happy if”: If you get enough money to buy a bigger house If you get enough time off to go on a “around-the-world trip” If you get yourself a (better) therapist If you figured out how to find the perfect partner (or improve your current…