Tag: research

  • Study Reveals Surprising Meditation Finds

    Study Reveals Surprising Meditation Finds

    It turns out meditation can result in parts of our brain becoming thicker, and help us become less depressed and more emotionally attuned. Mic reports in a fresh article: “It turns out meditating is good for more than just quiet time: It can actually help us fight the cripplingly high stress levels we experience during our…

  • Meditation, Neuroscience And Shit

    Meditation, Neuroscience And Shit

    Today I came across a highly interesting TEDx talk, recommended by Russell Simmons in his new book “Success Through Stillness: Meditation Made Simple”. It is a wonderful book, and I will definitely be writing more about it in future posts. But for now, let’s get back to this talk. The talk is by Hedy Kober PhD…