Tag: stress release tip

  • The Importance Of Downtime

    The Importance Of Downtime

    The first thing I came to understand while traveling in Northern California was the importance of creating downtime. Taking time to really unplug from the routine and enjoy some contrast. Contrast highlights the differences of our surroundings. Without contrast, things can begin to look and feel a bit dull. The edges of our daily experience…

  • What Are You Waiting For?

    What Are You Waiting For?

    Today is as good a day as any to step fully into Now, don’t you think? Relaxing at the beach on Sunday, I realized something: I wasn’t at the beach. I mean, I was physically there, but I wasn’t actually there. As I lay on the sand atop my blanket, with the waves crashing melodically,…

  • Balance And Freedom ?! Yes Way!

    Balance And Freedom ?! Yes Way!

    Wouldn’t you agree that feeling good is more than just a state of mind? This past week of running around, traveling, preparing for a speaking engagement, and working with clients, showed me how important balance is to staying positive. I saw how, when I didn’t get enough rest, the feelings of fatigue colored my outlook.…

  • Surrender The Struggle, Enter The Flow

    Surrender The Struggle, Enter The Flow

    What do you do when the pathway becomes thorny? When the underbrush is too thick to pass? Do you keep pushing, tensing, bracing yourself against the pain, hoping that the end is near? Or do you practice an easier way? Our organizations praise hard work. Long hours are applauded. Productivity is a buzzword. And even…

  • What To Do, And When!?

    What To Do, And When!?

    If you’re anything like me, you have a thousand things going on. So many things that it sometimes seem like the full-time job is background noise, and then we’re off to the races! No time to delay, it’ll be bedtime before you know it! Inundated by a laundry list of tasks for completion, it can…

  • Open To The Moment, Open To Joy

    Open To The Moment, Open To Joy

    Is the tune you sing a happy one? Are your days spent enjoying the silver linings? Does the sun shine on you, even if the sun doesn’t shine today? We all know someone who is always cheerful, always ready with a positive comment or a smile, always looking on the bright side. Sometimes its hard…

  • Embracing Change, Embodying The Moment

    Embracing Change, Embodying The Moment

    We have an inherent fear of change. This fear has evolved in order to protect us. Change, at times in human history, has meant great hardship. Think of how our early ancestors needed to respond to the coming winters. If the changing of the seasons weren’t taken seriously, it could easily spell death for the…

  • Meet The Resistance And Win

    Meet The Resistance And Win

    We all procrastinate at some time or another — even the overachievers. But not all of us see our tendency to do it. Or understand why we do. It just sort of happens, right? We have the best intentions. We’re going to get up and work on the project we’ve been putting off — we’ve…

  • If You Had The Choice, Would You?

    If You Had The Choice, Would You?

    Sometimes the decision that has to be made is a difficult one. Sometimes the outcome can never be pleasant, yet action must still be taken, words spoken. How do know when to make the decision? How do you know if it’s the right decision? Especially if it might hurt someone you love… There is no…

  • With Simplicity, You Can See

    With Simplicity, You Can See

    What creates the most stress for you? The demands of your work? Your boss? That guy in the cubicle across from you? When your hubby doesn’t put the toilet seat down? What is it about these things that cause you stress? Have you really dissected the underlying reason why stressful thoughts arise because of any…