It’s today. What a day to explore! What will you find?
When I was a kid growing up in Minnesota, I spent summers camping and riding bikes; fall jumping in piles of leaves; winters sledding and exploring mountains of snow; and the spring floating pieces of wood (mighty vessels!) down roaring streams in streets as the snow melted.
Childhood days filled with exploration and play. How about you?
More importantly, when was the last time you jumped up and down with joy in your heart and a smile all about you?
My friend Dana recently asked her 9-year-old daughter, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” “Happy,” she replied.
“What do you want to do?” Dana inquired. “Play,” her daughter explained.
Such a simple and profound message.
This is a future I could grow into.
Stress Release Tip
Play Date! Today is your day to do something fun! Something you’ve neglected for too long. Do you want to go to a movie? Take a sunset stroll on the beach with your honey? Skip down the street like no one’s watching? (don’t worry, they’re not.) Unleashing your inner child, really getting into your joy, not only helps us release tension and stress, but it turns up the positive and radiant energy that we can never have enough of. Make yourself shine today.
Mindful Homework
Take a relaxed seated position. Locate something in your field of vision and start putting your focus on it. As thoughts carry you away — including thoughts about the object itself — return to placing your bare attention on it. Now let your gaze loosen. Still take in the object but also a little more of what’s around it. Then tighten your focus on the object again. Notice the power of consciously directing your focus, instead of being carried away by constant random thoughts.
Quote From Adam
“It is a happy talent to know how to play.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson
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