If you’re anything like me, you have a thousand things going on. So many things that it sometimes seem like the full-time job is background noise, and then we’re off to the races!
No time to delay, it’ll be bedtime before you know it!
Inundated by a laundry list of tasks for completion, it can be hard to maintain a focused perspective.
They’re all important! Where do I start?
This is where you get to trust yourself to make the best decision.
If you were the CEO of a company, you would make an executive decision because this is your job.
You draw on all your years of battle-worn experience, weighing your knowledge of the situation, combining it with your intuitive gut feeling, and you make the call, with grit and certainty.
We are the CEOs of our lives, with the option of exercising this same boldness.
We have an intuitive sense about what comes first, about how to prioritize our list.
But we don’t always take the time to create the stillness that allows us to feel into this intuition.
In other words, our knowing obscured by the noise.
So you run around, scattershot, saying, “I wish I knew!” But you do.
Take a long, slow breath. Look at your list. Now, what’s the first thing that you know has to be done?
And don’t forget to take a break.
Or a few.
Stress Release Tip
So much stress comes from being overloaded with work. The problem with being stressed-out as we tackle our task list is that nothing is enjoyable. We’re tense, hurried, distracted, and, with enough to do, this continues day-in, day-out. Cut the stress by biting off only as much as you can chew. And know that it’s enough. Do you never get to the end of your list at the end of your “day off?” Schedule less. And then don’t feel guilty. You did as much as you could do. Better still, you did as much as you wanted. Ahhhhh. The freedom to choose.
Mindful Homework
Mindfulness while cleaning the house: Divide your work into stages: straightening things and putting away books, scrubbing the toilet, the bathroom, sweeping the floors and dusting. Allow a good length of time for each task. Move slowly, three times more slowly than usual. Fully focus your attention on each task. For example, while placing a book on the shelf, look at the book, be aware of what book it is, know that you are in the process of placing it on the shelf, intending to put it in that specific place. Know that your hand reaches for the book, and picks it up. Avoid any abrupt or harsh movement. Maintain mindfulness of the breath, especially when your thoughts wander.
-Thich Nhat Hanh, The Miracle of Mindfulness
Quote From Adam
“Most of us spend too much time on what is urgent and not enough time on what is important.”
– Stephen R. Covey
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