Meditation Quote 19: “Movement is the freedom of the body; stillness, of the mind.” – Marty Rubin

Have you ever felt how your body seems more at ease when it is moving, and the worst after it has been sitting still in the same position for a long while? How about the mind, when does it feel the most at ease?

In stillness.

The mind is the most free when it can explore it’s own inner landscape, without distraction.

Keep in mind that it is not always the easiest thing to allow silence into our mind, or to not get distracted by stimuli to our senses.

The same way we can only get better at achieving bodily freedom through the continued practice of movement, our mind needs our dedication and practice to achieve freedom through stillness.

What a wonderful perspective on the freedom of the mind, Marty Rubin’s quote has given us.

“Movement is the freedom of the body; stillness, of the mind.”
– Marty Rubin

“Movement is the freedom of the body; stillness, of the mind.” - Marty Rubin


What do you think. Is stillness the best thing for your mind? Don’t forget to leave us a comment below…

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