Don’t you just love a clear blue sky?
I sure do! But what I like even better is a clear calm mind.
Have you ever experienced that? I am sure you have, but perhaps not as often as you’d want.
Meditation helps us clear our mind, and reduce our attachment to our thoughts and distractions. And with time we will be able to both think less, and to faster return to our calm center.
With a clear mind it is so much easier to make decisions, get things done, and appreciate the moments as they pass by.
Why not make today the day you fully commit to creating a calmer and happier you. You can do so simply by meditating daily (yes it’s not an easy task, but it brings great rewards).
Have a look at Kalu Rinpoche’s quote, and appreciate it’s beauty and truth.
“The mind in its natural state can be compared to the sky, covered by layers of cloud which hide its true nature.”
– Kalu Rinpoche
What do you think about this quote, and the process of clearing your mind? Comment below!
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