Tag: mindfulness

  • Your Friends Can Save You!

    Your Friends Can Save You!

    The other week, I got out and spent some time with friends, celebrating a birthday over laughter and amazing food on one occasion, and catching up with Amy, who I hadn’t seen in months. More lovely conversation! I remember thinking that I didn’t have time to hang out for very long. “There’s too much work to…

  • Get ‘er Done!

    Get ‘er Done!

    What’s on your to-do list today? How much do you plan to get done? And once you’ve completed those tasks, will you finally rest, basking in the joy of accomplishment? Or will you fidget anxiously as you contemplate what you have yet to do? Are we really ever “done,” done? Rather than being a cause…

  • Catch Yourself In The Present

    Catch Yourself In The Present

    One day as I was making my way home in LA traffic, I noticed something. I noticed that I was wishing things were different. I was hoping for the lights to turn green upon my approach, encouraging the drivers in front of me to pick up the pace a bit, even reminiscing about the other day…

  • Jon Kabat-Zinn Guided Meditation

    Jon Kabat-Zinn Guided Meditation

    This guided meditation is a almost 40 minutes long, and is great for both beginners and experienced meditators. It is based in mindfulness, and being non-judgmentally aware of your environment. It is led by Jon Kabat-Zinn’s calm and soothing voice, with periods of complete silence (which might be a good or bad thing depending on…

  • Where Are You Rushing Off To?

    Where Are You Rushing Off To?

    Today I invite you to look at the speed of your thoughts. Notice that the stream of thinking, from the moment you wake up, until the moment you lay back down, propels you ever forward in a non-stop quest for…… what? What are we rushing around for? Why are we in such a hurry to…

  • Flexibility, A Cure

    Flexibility, A Cure

    You have a set way of doing things. You brush your teeth a certain way; go about your morning ritual a certain way; take a certain route to work; dress, talk, style your hair, even eat a certain way. You might say that these ways are just how you do things. “This is who I…

  • Free Guided Mindfulness Meditations

    Free Guided Mindfulness Meditations

    Last year, the UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center released a series of free guided mindfulness meditations and instructions. And they are all available for free. I wanted to share this hidden gem of a resource with you, because I love the quality and the focus of these meditations and instructions. You can both download them, play them in…

  • Happiness Is…

    Happiness Is…

    Whatever you are doing, whatever it is you are working on, whatever it is you are passionate about — I invite you to invest yourself fully in that task, commit to the vision that you have for the future, and stride boldly in the direction of your dreams. Sometimes the steps we must take in…

  • Is “Stress-Free” Really A Possibility?

    Is “Stress-Free” Really A Possibility?

    Can we really live a “stress-free” life of ease and tranquility, even in the midst of such busyness? Or is it just a pipe dream? An ideal outside the range of possibility? It can sometimes feel like this. Because we tend to stress about many things — from what to wear to what the neighbors…

  • See Through The Stress

    See Through The Stress

    Today you’re at the supermarket, in a bit of a hurry, and as you rush into the express checkout lane, you notice that the person in front of you has 21, no 22, items — isn’t it 15 items or less!? You feel the tendrils of anger reaching up into your neck as the physical…