Tag: meditation tip

  • Happiness Is…

    Happiness Is…

    Whatever you are doing, whatever it is you are working on, whatever it is you are passionate about — I invite you to invest yourself fully in that task, commit to the vision that you have for the future, and stride boldly in the direction of your dreams. Sometimes the steps we must take in…

  • Is “Stress-Free” Really A Possibility?

    Is “Stress-Free” Really A Possibility?

    Can we really live a “stress-free” life of ease and tranquility, even in the midst of such busyness? Or is it just a pipe dream? An ideal outside the range of possibility? It can sometimes feel like this. Because we tend to stress about many things — from what to wear to what the neighbors…

  • See Through The Stress

    See Through The Stress

    Today you’re at the supermarket, in a bit of a hurry, and as you rush into the express checkout lane, you notice that the person in front of you has 21, no 22, items — isn’t it 15 items or less!? You feel the tendrils of anger reaching up into your neck as the physical…

  • How Great To Be You

    How Great To Be You

    Today is your day to be completely and fully YOU. Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, live it fully. Any moment and any experience offers the same gateway to happiness as any other. It’s true! Even that mundane task that you’ve been putting off — the dishes, your taxes, those darn TPS reports — presents…

  • The Power Of Attention

    The Power Of Attention

    What we choose to pay attention to — where we invest our resources (like time, dollars, love, smiles) — determines, in large part, our overall level of happiness. If we spend our days focused on how things never go our way, or how the boss is always gunning for us, or how there never seems…

  • Graceful Living

    Graceful Living

    Most of us, for most of our lives, have been doing what we’re told. Striving to live up to the expectations explicitly handed us or implicitly demonstrated to us. We’ve been good children for our parents. Good students for our teachers. Good wives, husbands, parents, sisters, brothers. Good employees. And we’ve been rewarded for doing…

  • Have A Great Day, And Adam Redesign!

    Have A Great Day, And Adam Redesign!

    I redesigned my bi-daily blog posts here at Daily Meditate, so I wanted to make a post about the new changes! Every other day, I will share a few words on seeing the world a bit more clearly, living with less stress, and simply relaxing more fully into this beautiful life. I’ll also include one of…

  • Realizing Connection

    Realizing Connection

    I heard someone say this week that they were feeling a bit disconnected from the world. Feeling like they had no one to go to, just drifting along, up in the air, and this was causing her to feel bad about things. Lost. Sometimes we feel this way. Sometimes we get lonely. And this is…

  • When Your Thoughts Overwhelm

    When Your Thoughts Overwhelm

    There are always going to be those times when rampant thinking prevents settling into the experience before us. What do we do then? Just keep breathing. The thoughts may even have us overlook our meditation practice, “There’s no way I can sit today, things are just too noisy.” Yet these are the moments that offer…

  • The Boldness To Be Who You Are

    The Boldness To Be Who You Are

    There are moments in life when we are called. We are asked. We are told. We hear that little voice, and we are nudged (or shoved!) in the direction of our dreams. Just around the bend, we see a clearing. A new direction presents itself, and we must choose. When we choose the way of…